Outline for December 20, 2020

Here is the Outline to follow along with as you listen to Pastor Bob's message of December 20, 2020 on YouTube, Facebook or the church website at gardencitycob.org.

"Hope During a Covid Christmas"


We Are Messengers “Made in the Image of God”

Luke 2:25-38

I. Desperate times call for a Hope worth waiting for.

A. Trust in God while we wait.

B. Trust in God’s Word while we wait.

II. Desperate times cry out for an ever-present Hope.

A. Emmanuel means His Hope is always there.

B. Because His timing is always perfect.

III. Desperate times demand we share a living Hope.

A. Our world needs Hope Dealers on every corner.

B. It is imperative now more than ever.

Conclusion: Christ is looking for Hope Dealers today