CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, 505 N. 8th St., Garden City, KS 67846
Church Office Hours:
M-TH 9am-Noon & 1-4pm and Friday 9am-1pm
Church of the Brethren
505 N. 8th Street, PO Box 814
Garden City, KS 67846
(620) 276-7391
Adult Sunday School: 9:30 am
Worship Service: 10:45 am
*Please note that the Sunday morning message will be livestreamed around 11:20am on YouTube and can also be watched later on YouTube, Facebook or the website.
Life Group: 6:30 pm at Carol Knaus's home (breaks for summer)
Women's Bible Study at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall, led by Pastor Bob Bates (breaks for summer)
Youth Group Meeting (5th Grade-Sr High): 6:30 pm downstairs (breaks for summer but has monthly activities during that time)
Adult Bible Study: 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall, led by Pastor Von Hunn (breaks for summer)
(breaks for summer)
Men's Bible Study: 9:00 am at Time Out Restaurant, 1319 N Taylor Ave, led by Pastor Bob (breaks for summer)
- Pastor: Bob Bates
- Assoc. Pastor: Von Hunn
- Admin. Secretary: Karen Parks
- Board Chair: Archie Moody
- Vice Board Chair: Von Hunn
- Nurture Chair: Sheryl Holiman
- Stewards Chair: Kirk Brown
- Witness Chair: Glenda Hopkins
- Deacon Chair: Von Hunn
- Moderator: Jeff Crist
- Treasurer: Harvey Brungardt
- Youth Director: Laci Bates
- Financial Secretary: Karen Parks
- Church Clerk: Karen Parks
Vision Statement
"A Lighthouse for Lost and Hurting People"